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Martha at Knit Festival

Martha participated in the Knit Festival 20-22.9.2019.

June 2019

Martha go from Nordby Yacht Harbour. Members of the association Martha can join the tours. Become a member.

Goups of max 12 persons can book Martha with crew. Please contact Willy Morgenstern, phone +45 2011 4273. email info@marthasonderho.dk.

June 2019

At the General Assembly in Ribe June, 11th 2019 a new bord was selected. All board members come from Fanø. Marthas new home harbour is Nordby Yacht Harbour.

Martha, Pilevej 10, 6720 Fanø.Phone 60 90 85 91

Contact: info@marthasonderho.dk. MobilPay 816429

CVR 34151547